If you are in search of vehicle insurance, you may find yourself dazed and confused with so many alternatives. In South Africa, there is a company that allows for vehicle insurance called Auto and General Insurance. In this article, you can read all about it! The benefits of the insurance deals, the online quotes, the possibilities for scratch and dent cover, possible complaints that customers have made and the possibility for insurance cancellation.
Is there an Auto and General Car insurance office in Durban?
Unfortunately, the company only has a single office located in Johannesburg. However, even though it does not hold offices in Durban, you can still apply for an insurance deal since the company works mainly online.
Could I access Auto and General Car insurance contact details?
Indeed, you can access contact details in order to reach the company. You can contact the company from Mondays, through Fridays, from 8 am to 6 pm, and on Saturdays from 8am to 1 pm. On Sundays, the company remains closed. On public holidays, you can reach the company from 8am to 1pm.
Is there an Auto and General Car insurance email address?
Unfortunately, there isn’t an email address but you can write a message to the company through their website.
Is there an Auto and General Car insurance telephone number?
You can give the company a call at 0861 60 01 24.
How is Auto and General personal car insurance?
At Auto and General insurance, you have different paths that you can take for your vehicle cover:
Motorcycle insurance
Car insurance
Caravan insurance
Watercraft insurance
Trailer insurance
Inside car insurance, you will find:
Comprehensive insurance
Better car
Third party only
Fire and theft
It is extremely important to get car insurance, especially when you are travelling. It is a major necessity to stay covered in every situation and possible scenarios. If you decide to go for third party only, then with this cover you can be protected against accidental property damage and you can also increase the cover for third parties.
How is Auto and General comprehensive car insurance?
Comprehensive car insurance is definitely an important choice. It actually matters more than you may think, since it is the most complete option. If you decide to hire comprehensive insurance at Auto and General Car insurance, then this option includes:
Accidental damage
Car hire
Hail damage
Injuries or death of third parties
Besides, comprehensive insurance will protect you against damage to third party properties; you can even increase the cover for third parties and gain access to accessories. If you want to start a quote, simply look for this option in the company’s website and state that you would like to insure your car, because otherwise you can also insure your home content, a motorcycle or a building.
Is there Auto and General scratch and dent cover?
Auto and General Car insurance is a company that has the option of scratch and dent cover incorporated. It is particularly useful to treat minor dents, chips and light scratches. If we take into account that these may take place on a regular basis, the monthly budget will never seem to be enough. That is why the company offers you this option. It allows keeping your vehicle in good conditions, as brand new. The best part is that you do not need to pay renewable fees for your vehicle license. The payment system provided by the company Auto and General Car is hassle free. The renewed license will be delivered to your door. What does it include? It covers for:
Minor dents
Light scratches
For three years, repairs are guaranteed
How to obtain an Auto and General car insurance online quote?
At Auto and General car insurance you can get a quote by providing your personal information. Only once you have done this, you will have access to quotes. A quote is useful in more than one way. They allow you to save money and time. If you know how to use them, you will see all the benefits beneath. Drivers as well as users are strongly advised to check the market regarding insurance every six months to check whether they are paying competitive vehicle insurance rates. Besides, this way they can compare quotes given by varied insurance providers. Quotes have many advantages:
They are useful for saving money
You can obtain information online. In the past, quotes took a lot of time. Now, with the internet it is possible to access quotes in just a few minutes from the comfort of your home.
The information you get from quotes is free
They are customizable
Are there any Auto and General Car insurance complaints?
Whenever you are thinking of a company, you will always find complimentary, positive comments as well as complaints or negative comments. Most of the comments made by drivers were positive. There were some complaints regarding some issues:
Certain services may take a lot of time to acquire.
It is not possible to cancel a policy by email.
Cancellations and renewals can only be made by making a telephone call.
It is difficult to cancel a policy
The members of the company make it hard when you want to leave the company because of not being satisfied with the services or products provided
However, the company tends to address problems or complaints and tries to give those customers a valid solution and a quick response.
How can I carry out an Auto and General Car insurance cancellation?
The website of Auto and General Car insurance does not make any references to insurance cancellation. You may have to ask the members of the company about the conditions for cancelling your insurance. In general, you may have to pay a fee or might be charged a cost for cancelling in advance. There are terms and conditions set by each company regarding cancellation. Some insurance agencies can agree on the terms and conditions for cancelling and the possible additional fees that may be charged.
Is Auto and General Car insurance convenient in South Africa?
It is widely recommended in South Africa to turn to Auto and General Car insurance when you are looking for vehicle insurance options. This company counts with comprehensive insurance, liability, scratch and dent for your vehicle and more products for you to enjoy.
Preguntas Frecuentes
When is it advisable to opt for the Third Party and Theft plan?
This plan is recommended if you cannot afford the cost of the comprehensive plan and you have a relatively new car.
I have a 5-year old car and use it just to go to work. What premium shoul I be expecting to pay?
If you have a 5 year old car we have to tell you that you montly premium and excess will be dependent on your risk profile, your car details and the prices and plans offered by the insurance company. A specialized advisor will help you find the best and most affordable option for you.
Good day i am a registered abo member for amway. I need a consultant from auto and general to contact me Thank you
Hello ! If you are registered abo member for amway and you need a consultant from Auto and General to contact you by phone or email , first yo can try contacting them directly by sending a message to him email address designed for the customer service. Have a good day.
How can I get response I want to cancel my car insurance now am struggled to get hold of you
If you have problems to get in touch with the Auto and Car Insurance Company, there are several channels available to communicate with any agent. For instance, customers can get assistance by calling on the landline number or they can login online to submit a claim and track it for any response. There is also an email address which you can use to cancel your insurance.
Hi, can I use my car hire on scratch and dent claims?
In order to use your car hire on scratch and dent claims, it is important to check the terms and conditions of the car hire agreement and the insurance coverage. There you will find the details as regards what types of damages are covered. For further information, it is always best to contact the car hire company.